Pleased to meet you, I am Mona.

TEDx Speaker, Coach, Trainer and simply a human

Hardships in life have brought me to realize how important personal development, especially in emotional intelligence is. In 2017, this led to me doing a TEDx Talk on the topic. Since then, I became a coach and developed a course program to help people in their development. Currently, I am working on people and leadership development in a global corporation as well as coach people freelance.

Copyright: Wade Million

Armor vs. Vulnerabilty – How would you like to get to know me?

Maybe this distinction is confusing for you or maybe you are asking yourself why it’s important to me, to make that distinction – let me explain. Our personalities are made up of many aspects. Some of those are important to society and well accepted – it’s how we show up for work or introduce ourselves to people we barely know. Other aspects are less accepted and maybe there are even some that we are ashamed of. We usually only show these more vulnerable parts of ourselves to people we know well. If you are interested to read up on vulnerability and how it may improve your life, I can warmly suggest to read the Brené Brown’s books. They were eye-opening for me at the time. Since this is a website and open to everyone to read – even people that I did not get a chance to meet, I hope you understand that, what I want to introduce as vulnerability is only related to my work so that you can estimate if I am a person, you’d like to work with. For this, it seemed crucial to me, to show you a little more of myself, how I think and which things are important to me.

My Armor

Aside of my freelance work, I am currently working on leadership and people development projects within the biggest international chemical corporation BASF with a focus on topics such as Inclusive Leadership and Continuous Meaningful Conversations. The concepts are targeted at senior executives as well as all people leaders and employees of the organization.

I have started my coaching education (systemic coaching with parts of Transactional Analysis) in 2017 at the Odenwald Institut with Dörthe Verres, who also a trainer for the coaching education at the ISB Wiesloch. My DVCT certification was not a priority so far. Therefore, I will only obtain it in 2022. So far, I have gathered more than 1.000 hours of coaching experience and am excited to continue my education therein.

I did a train-the-trainer seminar in 2016, have done a train-the-advanced-trainer further education on group dynamics, and have conducted multiple trainings focused on personal development (which I am also offering here) for people to get to know themselves, leadership development, intercultural competences, and emotional intelligence. In total, the training hours add up to more than 1.000.

I graduated with distinction from my Master’s program on World Heritage Studies, in which I focused on Identity-Building, Participation, and Experiential Learning within cultural contexts. This is why I have worked mostly with people in international environments and many people with migration background such as when I was project lead for a project that aimed to integrate people with a refugee experience into the German labor market.

After many years of personal experience and these educations, I got to share my first insights in a TEDx talk. Even then, I had the idea in mind to offer more of this as freelance coach and trainer to people in the future. Now after years, I am happy to introduce all of it to you.

My Vulnerability

Currently working with Senior Executives, I am often younger by a large margin. In my experience this enhances the experience within a coaching or reverse mentoring setting a lot. At the same time, I am aware that ageism exists and sometimes my knowledge, skills, and experience was and is questioned due to my being younger. This is why a trustful collaboration is really important for me. Just like you learned your job, I put all my effort into learning everything about coaching that I could yet and I have no intention to stop learning. My strengths lie in asking the right question(s) at the right time, guiding processes and creating spaces for people to develop.

I always consider myself as a student. Learning, for me, is a life-long process and once one education is finished, I will start with the next. Thus, I also never consider myself as the person who knows what is best for you – I assume that you know what is best for you and I want to help you bring that out. This is also part of my understanding of the world based on my systemic coaching education. Every process is one that I can learn from as well.